First Blog Post

Why Us

Coffee World is the place which belongs to everyone who loves coffee. It is the place where you can sit with your partner and enjoy the moments of life. The place for students where they can sit and study for long time. Where aged couples can spend their time with loved ones and family. Business tries to provide coffee from different part of world under on roof. Business wants to provide a place for people from different parts of the world can have a coffee in the thrilling cold weather of Canada. Idea of coffee business starts from the haptic schedule of everyone’s life.

How we are different

Most of us are not making coffee at home due to various reasons. We don’t know how to make coffee, it is expensive to have coffee machine at home or we are bored with same coffee everyday. Coffee world will provide different coffees with low prices. Customers can have different coffees as of their choice and preference. I am very interested to know how coffee beans are produced and they are shipped from different nations. I want to start a business which will provide best quality coffee at fair prices. My cousin is running a coffee shop in India. He is making big profits and there is no burden of the business. Even in Canada Tim Hortons and Starbucks is making huge profits with low cost.

Business will start from one shop and after some successful years we will try to open more shops in other parts of Vancouver Island. It is not only that business will provide coffee some bakery products will also be sold at the shop. We will try to tie up with good bakery shop in the city to provide fresh bakery at low cost. With this we can attract some customers from the bakery shop.  Customers can relate themselves to business as their own story and they can send us their own stories and we will show them on big platforms. Customer satisfaction is the key to make a business successful. Customer preference and choices will be kept at first and provide the products they demand. Loyalty programme will engage them to get back to Coffee World and they can get free stuff with points. We will train the staff to communicate with customers in a professional way and can meet the needs of the customers.

Customers have to pay more for the coffee at other places. Our business will lower the price of coffee and customers can enjoy various types of coffee. Business will help the customers to make their coffee more enjoyable with some music. Business will provide a safer place to people so they can spend their time with out any fear. We will also allow the customers to book a different room for their birthday and cakes and bakery products will be provided from local bakery shop. They don’t have to panic for arranging all the things.

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